Sunday, September 25, 2005
My velvet messenger was in the paper on Friday!
Unfortunately the on-line version of the article doesn't have the photo - the actual newspaper did! Of course you've already seen this design - I hope it sells!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Happy Birthday William!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Green Purse Swap
What is Amigurumi?
I don't know. Maybe "Cute Crocheted Japanese-style Miniature Stuffed Animal?" Anyway, you can check them out here. This almost makes me want to take up crochet.... I said almost.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Yes, I'm Sewing!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Lucy and Lily
I didn't have time to post this yesterday so I'm catching up today. Lucy and Lily were working on these projects at lunch! Lucy is working on a sock, and Lily is working on a wristband! Aren't they great?!?!? As usual, when the Craftster conversation turned toward knitting I headed for the door. Later!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
AZ Craftsters Meet Again....
We started out at 10:00 at the Phoenix Public Market. It was EXTRA FUN today because of the Mariachi Band and the Dancers who performed. Chris, Denise and I mostly bought FOOD.... but I also purchased something VERY special...
My grandmother's church always had a church Bazaar. As a young married person I bought several of the "Handtowels with crocheted top/loop with button that goes over the oven handle things..." You know what I mean, right? Someone send me a link to a bizarro collection of these - please!
Anyway, after seeing my great interest in these - my grandmother would pick them out especially for me and send them every year. She died several years ago and I miss her. When I spotted the ladies with the display of these towels I knew I had to have one. Imagine the display...perrhaps 50 or 60 of these in pairs, back to back, carefully priced and packaged in plastic baggies. All of them lined up like little soldiers for my perusal. How could I choose? One of the ladies came to my rescue pointing to the one in the middle "It's Precious Moments," she confided. I felt so special knowing that she was willing to part with such a rare and valuable item. I mean you just don't see these every day. "I'm getting this for my daughter." I told her. "Oh there are two!" What a deal. For five dollars I got TWO of these towels. My day was now complete - but there was more to come...much more....
I excused myself to visit the Arizona Antique Show. For the first time in my life I bought nothing. It was a bust. Absolutely nothing. I wasted no time catching up with Chris and Denise at City Bakery and who was there to greet us? An entire family of knitters! That's right, the husband, the wife and the two daughters all knitting! Here is a link to their website.
Friday, September 16, 2005
These are my kids!
Our "old" computer is broken. It hasn't worked in ages. No internet - nothing works. We figured maybe we had a bad virus and we wanted to just "wipe it clean" but I KNEW I had some really cute photos on there so I was hesitant. Well.... Ken's friend John Matush came over and took the machine home with him. He downloaded all of my files onto a cd and then "wiped out the hard drive." I put the files on my "new" computer and look what I found.... These are my children - Christmas 2003. Clockwise from the top left there's Dan, Kaitlin, Matt, James and Will. Note that James has a bright green cast on his arm!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Denise Makes a Necktie Skirt!
Yes....Another victim for Mama Klu. Oh, it started innocently enough - "Come on over and sew, Denise. I'll show you how to make a necktie skirt for Aria (her 8-year-old daughter.)" Meanwhile I am gleefully chuckling "Mwah ha ha ha.... give me two days with this one and I have her converted for sure. Tom Cruise has nothing on me." Well after two mornings of sewing, sure enough, Denise is talking about making Halloween costumes, following patterns and coming back to learn to use the serger! YAY! Great job, Denise!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Really Great Bags!
There are many many bag designers online. Here are a few of my favorites:
Sophisticated Kitsch, Magnolia Pearl, and Ruby Tag bags. Enjoy!
Sophisticated Kitsch, Magnolia Pearl, and Ruby Tag bags. Enjoy!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
How to Help.
There are many many worthy relief organization out there helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina. As Americans we are always ready to reach out to those in need. The "on-line indie craft community" has come together in a unique way to offer their products for sale to benefit the Red Cross. As a buyer, you receive the goods, but ALL PROCEEDS go to the Red Cross. The crafters and artists have donated their goods. So, let's all make this effort successful and SHOP!