These shelves are on the west wall to the left of the secretary desk. Still working on the desk....
Here are the new bookcases. They are on the east wall opposite of the secretary. I still have some work to do...
I know I like to see close-ups of shelves. Those are my Oz books from when I was a kid. They were my favorites.
For now I am resisting the urge to fill this with vintage beaded fruit.... NO MORE COLLECTING - Purge purge purge.... Hey - "urge" and "purge" rhyme.... I feel a Limerick coming on....
There once was a girl with the urge
To tackle the clutter and purge.
She'd rather be sewing,
But if she keeps going
An orderly house will emerge!
Can you please come to my house next to shovel and sort? I'm sure there are cool collections among my many many messes - I just have to locate them. I love your new bookcases - my DH built a floor to ceiling 12' long wall of shelving for me - it is awesome - but it has a lot of space for dust, and books and knick knacks and stuff and more stuff and lots of dust and it gets out of hand really fast. What a great job you are doing. Good therapy. Keep it going. Tucson Patty
I LOVE Ballard! Always something in there I want or need. Ha! I am really a Francophile, still collecting les fleurs de lis wherever I can. And Ballard has fun stuff. Love the vintage 'chotzskies'. Why am I surprised, you're so creative. I'm looking for a certain quote about the creative mind and clutter. Will pass it along as soon as I come up with it. I'm in that boat!!! Let's sing this summer!
Oh my gosh, Laura, my parents had the very same little dauschaund dog thingy!! I have never seen one except in my parents' bedroom. So amazing. - Marsha
"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what then is an empty desk a sign of?" Albert Einstein. And there you have it.
Great limerick. And the shelves look awesome!
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