Next is this extremely labor-intensive-but-oh-so-worth-it lace collage jacket. I cut all of the pattern pieces from a water-soluble fabric and then stitched and stitched and stitched a variety of vintage laces on top. Then I put the jacket together on the serger and then dissolved the backing in the washing machine. I just washed it on gentle with warm water and then dried it in the dryer. Sounds dumb, but I wanted to see how durable it was. Didn't it turn out great?

Here is a close-up of the back.

I hope you like these - they were fun to make!
I have been anxiously awaiting your ‘return’ to see what you have been working on, and you have not disappointed! The jacket is AMAZING!
Very cool. And I'm glad you're posting again! I love your pieces.
Oh my, I cannot tell you how much I like that jacket! Your creations never cease to amaze and inspire.
Yay, so glad you're posting again. I have got to try that melting foundation stuff. Check out the link on my new post--I thought of you immediately. Kaitlin is always so hip with fashion. Can you believe those 80's leggings are back? Oh my, lol.
This is amazing!..as are all your lovely creations :)
Hi, my name is jeannie. I am a knitter/crocheter/crafter. I was just browsing different blogs and came across yours with this gorgeous jacket! I would love to have more detailed instructions if thats possible. I'm a novice at sewing.
I love dotted Swiss-and pink ribbons!
-diana (surfed over from BPR, and was excited to see you make such pretty things.)
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