Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Heart Susan Boyle!


  1. Okay, I cried over this. So beautiful. Thank you for posting this, what a great way to begin my morning!

  2. Ever since I saw a report on this on GMA last week, I have watched it a dozen times on UTUBE. Isnt she just wonderful??? I heart Susan also...it just goes to show..you can always dream! Thanks for sharing it on your blog!Its a GREAT inspiration. Creative blessings, Debbie

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hi Laura,
    I was in Flordia this past weekend and thought of you (as I think of you everytime I boot up BPR), but especially because you were from FL originally. While I was there staying with a friend who has a house on Upper Captiva Island, she played me the You Tube clip of susan Boyle after my hearing about it all over the place. I cried as I watched the clip. It was amazing. Next week I have to have a conference call with you and Kaitlin. What does your scedule look like? xoxo Roz

  4. I cry every time I watch that.
