Wednesday, March 23, 2005

This is the back of one of my new hoodie designs. Posted by Hello


  1. Are your hoodies for sale anywhere?

  2. Hi Kasmira,

    All of my hoodies are at Passage - see the link on the right.

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Do you have a pattern for your hoodies and if so could you possibly share?

  4. I use McCall's pattern 4261 with the following modifications: First, cut four hood patterns instead of two - make a lined hood - so much nicer! Then eliminate the "yoke A" and the pocket - these just clutter up the look of the hoodie when you are using a print fabric. Then, when adding the zipper, turn the fabric allowance to the INSIDE not to the outside like the pattern says - this is confusing - just use your common sense! Then - most important - since the fabric is so stretchy - be sure to baste the zipper before stitching it. Avoid frustration. Write back if you have any questions. Give it a try!
