Saturday, July 09, 2005

Necktie Skirt Class #1

Rebecca Chooses Her Ties....

Anya Chooses Her Ties....

Meanwhile, Katya...

...and Nicole are already sewing.

Sammy (left foreground - sorry about the quality) is an old pro. She came to Mama Klu's Summer Sewing Extravaganza last year. She's making a skirt for her very fortunate cousin. Please notice that we are using my THREE Bernina sewing machines.

At last Rebecca is sewing! This is her FIRST real sewing project! It's going to be great. This photo reminds me of a fisherman with a really big catch....

What happens next? Tune in next week for Necktie Skirt Class #2!


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Can't wait to see the finished products! I'm on pins and needles!............Get it? "Pins and needles"..........And by "pins and needles" I mean BOTH the sewing implements AND the implication that I am waiting with great anticipation.........It's a hominum.........never mind......

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    You know, for what just one of those Bernina's cost, Kenny could get a hardtop for the S-2000. I think I'll have to let him know so that he can put one of them up for auction on E-Bay.....

  3. Okay, only "Kenny's" sisters call hime that - who is it? JAN? Anyway, the original Bernina I bought new in 1983 - did a payment plan - paid it off in 6 or 12 months - can't recall. Didn't buy the second one until like 20 years later - traded in the first one on it - got $275 in trade - bought a USED Artista that someone had traded in on a newer model. I LOVE my Artista. But soon regretted trading in the old one when I began teaching. So about a month later I asked to buy it back. Thank goodness they still had it and sold it back to me for $275. Meanwhile, I was sewing the necktie skirts and teaching a lot of classes and two machines wasn't enough. Soooo I asked for the "least-expensive-used-floor-model-Bernina" that would do the famous triple zigzag. That's how I wound up with the third one - which was also a bargain.

    Wanna hear how I wound up with three sergers?

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Jan?!?! I don't think so......Read the first comment again. Rapier wit like that is the provenance of the Stanton family - with you as our champion, of course! ;0)

  5. Wait - any Stanton would know how to spell homonym...or is this your devious little way of throwing me off track...Brad?!?!?

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Well, I did have to ask Peter how to spell "provenance".........

    Indeed! It is I, Daddy-O, on the point, down in S.FL taking care of Pop while mom is in Atl with LSA. Returning to AZ tomorrow - weather permitting.

    When you commence with a knit (sock) tie instructional class, sign me up. I hear that they are coming back in a big way......

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    and speaking of pins and needles......I believe that you owe us a Serger acquisition story.

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Where can I buy one of these lovely necktie skirts? I knit, not sew. Please email me at Thanks!
