Friday, October 07, 2005

Today Is My Birthday!

...and I would love it if you would post a happy message on my blog. Thanks!

UPDATE - I'm home for lunch checking my e-mail and I have EIGHT birthday messages! YAY!


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Happy 21st Birthday!!! (shhhhh I won't tell if you don't.)

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day.

  3. Happy Birthday! Here's wishing you a fantastic one and many more great ones to come.

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Happy birthday Laura!

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Happy Birthday!! I know you like receiving comments. I'm sorry I haven't posted one before. I thought you'd like to know that I enjoy reading your blog. I've gotten all excited about sewing now that I read your blog and I'm making my daughter an outfit for next summer. She is 1 and so I don't get to sew very often, I figure I will just work on it slowly and perhaps I'll get it done over a matter of two weeks! :) Margarita De Leon, Hurst, TX

  6. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful, fantastic day!

  7. well I have to say it's a pleasure to leave you a birthday greeting. I am so excited to see someone willing to give their time and energy to others. As you pass down your "great skills"(napoleon dynamite reference) to others you are making more than tie skirts and pajama bottoms but you are making happy memories for all involved!!! I love reading your blog and seeing your Great skills in action!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Happy birthday to the coolest hippest mom around....Happy Birthday Mama Klu!!!

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Happy Birthday, Laura!
    I loved looking at your blog! You are so talented and creative! Keep up the great work! Have a great day, dear friend!
    Mary Lou vt

  10. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Happy B-day Laura and thank you for all your inspiration. I'm starting to sew again, thanks to your pics and tutorials! I've never looked at blogs or responded b4 and I am addicted to yours. (I was really worried when you were 'gone' for so long!) I don't have an Identity yet so -- Patty LeCompte Tucson Az

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Happy Birthday - one day late!! from Quinston (admirer from Craftster)

  12. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I'm late sending you a happy birthday too.. the 7th is *my* birthday as well!


  13. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hi Laura-
    Just wanted to wish you a belated happy B-day.
    Nice web-site. Don't tell me that you are also a Java-script programmer on top of everything else.

  14. Sorry that I'm late! Happy Birthday!!!! (belated)

  15. I have been having so many computer problems lately that I haven't checked blogs regularly. So I have found this belatedly. Happy belated birthday! I hope it's a year filled with wonderful, memorable moments.
