Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I am sewing again! Sorry for neglecting Ruby for so long. I've been so busy with the Project Runway blog that I have spent just about all of my spare time on it. Finally with the season over, I am almost back to my normal self! Yesterday I finished a messenger bag that I made from vintage barkcloth and other antique textiles. I immediately started a second one. Photos to come!

Also, I have been singing and leading worship for several retreats. This weekend I go to beautiful Flagstaff Arizona with the women's ministry of The Church at Arrowhead. The featured speaker is a favorite of mine and a dear friend Daisy Hepburn. This is my third Retreat since February - so I have been busy - just not with sewing!

I'll catch up more later - and I promise to post new photos. Thanks for your patience!


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Laura -- I'm really glad you're back sewing -- I've missed you. You now have gotten me totally hooked on Project Runway. Thanks for the two GREAT blogs! Patty from Tucson

  2. Ohmaword.....is it really you hehehe. A neat purse doing the creative blog circles is a quilted one...um www.creativelittledaisy.typepad.com has some posted...looks challenging and cuute...

  3. Hey, I got here from Craftster, and I love your necktie corset belt! :-)

    That said, give Flagstaff a hello for me. I was just there about a year ago, love love loved it!

  4. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Glad to see you back to sewing again. Yay, for singing/worship leading, too!! I love all your new stuff, on which I'll comment separately.
