Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Like 99.9% of the bloggers out there I am pledging to be a better blogger in 2007. Oh sure my Project Runway blog was very busy last year, but what about Ruby? Poor Ruby is so neglected.

I know I've said this before but this time I REALLY mean it.

Here are some additional resolutions:

1. Sewing for fun again - not for sales.

2. Sewing more gifts. When I look at the gifts that I purchased for the girls in my family, I am certain that they would prefer my handcrafted ornaments and bags. I pledge handmade gifts for all next year. Actually there are some women in my family who literally BEG me for angels and vintage stocking ornaments. What is wrong with me? I can certainly make these things again.

3. Not so much garment sewing. Maybe even a moratorium on garments. Kaitlin has enough clothes and I have a box of stale inventory that will probably wind up in the charity pile.

4. Time to re-decorate this house. Talk about stale! We moved in about eleven years ago and most of the furniture is in the same places that the movers placed it when we moved in. Mom gave me a beautiful painting for Christmas and I could re-decorate the entire house around it!

5. Who will hold me accountable?


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I will help remind you to blog by pestering you. Only if you need it. My 15 yr. old daughter made all her gifts this year. She crocheted a scarf, cap, fingerless gloves, cell phone holder, digital camera holder, chapstick holder, scrubby for the sink to hold a sponge, and my favorite (I collect) an EGG! No patterns - just off the top of her head. I'm impressed and jealous.

  2. Anonymous1:03 AM

    'Scuse - that was from Patty from Tucson.
