Friday, January 26, 2007

My Project Runway Blog has been Nominated for a Bloggie!

These are the awards for the "Best" blogs of 2006. We are nominated in the "Best Entertainment Blog" category. It's a competitive category because it is in with all of the celebrity gossip blogs. We are like the TVGuide in the supermarket aisle next to The Enquirer and The Star and all of those. No flashy headlines at BPR, just solid information about the show "Project Runway" on Bravo.

I would really appreciate your vote! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I'm so excited for you Laura et al. I have been reading since before day one of this blog and I have loved every minute of it. I was a loyal RRR reader and you got me started on BPR and I LOVE it. I hope you win and show everyone else how wonderful you all are. Patty from Tucson.
