Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Entry in the Tea Towel Challenge

Well you know I had to purchase this pair of kitchen towels. I mean come on! They are red AND they have rick rack. I made them up into bags, but I've never used them or sold them. They're lined with red gingham and have pockets. So when Barb announced her first purse challenge, I knew that this would be my entry. What do you think?


  1. I love it! Now I know what I'm going to do with the calendar-tea towel my mom brought back for me from Australia umpty years ago. I knew I saved it all these years for something! Tucson Patty
    Oh, hey - I see that since my daughter made a breast cancer blog for me - I now have an 'identity' Yahoo!!! Or Whoopee maybe. : )

  2. Cute! I haven't made my purse for the challenge yet. Maybe this weekend...
