Saturday, August 11, 2007

F is For Felt Flower Pins

I ordered a sample pack of wool felt from a seller on eBay and I've been having some fun with it. I used these bright colors for flower pins. What do you think? I am determined to find a way to use ALL of the colors. I'll keep you posted...


  1. Those are so cute and the colors are really fun.

  2. oh oh oh!!! I like the simplicity of this design. Your color combinations are golden. My favorite is the one in the center with the light blue petals.

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The pins are adorable -- so well made (of course!) and the color combos are great. Very Brady felt pins. :D

    In other news: too bad about Lauren (I watched last night) - but at this stage, it's bad for anyone to be eliminated. She took it graciously, and because she has been so well-liked, I'm sure she'll do well from here on.

    I still don't have a moving date. Grrr. Dang moving companies are taking their sweet time.


  4. They're great - so bright and cheerful. I like the colour combinations you've chosen.

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Oh! They're so cute and colorful. Well, you have me at colorful. I should break out my felt and start experimenting again.

  6. i love these! love the color combinatins, love the layered shapes, love it all! am going in search of wool felt right now!!
