Wednesday, August 29, 2007

J is For Jar

This is what the empty jars look like. They are in three sizes.

The little ones are great for buttons, the mediums are filled with trims and millinery flowers and fruit and the big ones are also filled with flowers and lavender potpourri. I probably have a total of 30 jars. I know... it's a problem. I went back to the store twice for more jars after the first trip.

Anyone want to meet Heather and I at IKEA?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Laura, some things never change. I was thinking I have known you for almost 20 years (even though we haven't lived close to each other most of those years) I can just see that creative brain of yours when you saw those jars at Ikea. Love, love the jar idea and all of the goodies inside. You are the best! Darlene
