Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mama Klu's Saturday Adventure Series - Chapter 1

After a delicious lunch at Postino in Phoenix; Kaitlin, Ryan, Joanna and I headed for Zinnia's at Melrose where Amy and Jill joined us for shopping!

There is a vintage clothing store inside called Antique Sugar. The girls had a great time trying on dresses. Here are Ryan and Joanna getting ready for the prom.

Amy as Olive Oyl...

Kaitlin as Princess Jasmine...

Ryan as Princess Marigold.

Okay, I just made that name up...

Kaitlin couldn't resist this hat. Could you?

The girls carried on with coffee at Lola Coffee Bar and I headed home. Gotta plan the next adventure...


  1. I think you need a limerick to go along with this post! The girls are adorable. I would have probably purchased the Olive Oyl costume because when ever are you going to have another opportunity like that?

  2. Kaitlin8:59 AM

    Limericks are always a good time.

  3. Hey there I would love to award you with a blog award, I absolutely love your blog, but errr I can't find your email address. If you wanted to check back with me via my blog that would be great. Sorry had to do this on a comment (gulp, embarassed!

  4. Aww...I remember those prom dresses back in the day.
    When I was a little girl, I was fascinated with them. I went to a school that was grades 1-12...so we looked up to the high school girls.
    They always word the poofiest skirts!
    Looks like a fun day!
