I have not been antique shopping since January, but yesterday I realized that this was the last week of school for the kids and I had better take advantage of the time.
Since I have been purging I was determined not to purchase anything unless it was REALLY special. Ha - famous last words, right?
Well anyway, there I was checking out the case at my local antique mall when this little box caught my eye... Does it have vintage Christmas cards inside? Hmmmm... could be interesting....
Let's look inside....
GASP!!!!! My heart begins pounding. I check the price tag... you won't believe it.... $24.95. "I'll take it," I nonchalantly say to the salesgirl. Eager to examine the contents I open the box in the car. Let's look inside....
This is on the bottom. I am still learning my new camera so I am going to experiment with different settings to see if I can get a good closeup. Do you want to see the wreath?
There are about thirty of the little ribbon motifs in the box. Also a couple of yards of the trim. They are completely unused. Many still have the little price-stickers on the back. They are all either $.25 or $.35. Adorable!
Here I pulled a couple of them out:
The background looks a little busy, so I will try a solid:
That's a little better... Let me try to get really close...
Aren't they wonderful? Someone please tell me that you understand....
Oh boy! You really hit the jackpot! It's all beautiful and what a buy!
Wow! Your really did find a treasure :)
i completely understand. i found a florenza pincushion (one of the old bobble-head ones) at the last flea market i went to, and now i've become crazy about them! i've got 3 so far. eek! there's also a great little shop down the street from me called "the little red schoolhouse" - it's an antique store in my town's actual old, little red schoolhouse - and i always wind up buying something bizarre and precious. last week it was a vintage owl-shaped cookie jar.... ;)
Understand??? Oh my gosh,do I !!!! Those would make my heart a-flutter. So what are you going to do with those beauties?
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