I love books and magazines and I purchase plenty - especially sewing and decorating titles, but I rarely make any of the projects.
In fact, I recently challenged myself to recall even ONE project ever made from any of the hundreds of titles in my library and I couldn't identify a single one.
I do plenty of sewing of course. I just seem to prefer making "my own designs." I always have. So, why do I need all of these books and magazines?

A couple of months ago I told myself that I would make something from the next magazine I purchased. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy it. So, when I saw this title at my local Barnes & Noble I decided to try to purse on the cover. Isn't it cute?
I drafted the patterns and marked and cut out the fabrics carefully. It was a little tricky because the instructions are metric.
This was a good exercise for me.
After the project was done I thought, "Okay, there I've done it. A completed project from a magazine." It turned out pretty much like the design on the cover. Although it is nice, it doesn't really look like "me."
So I hung it on a drawer knob and forgot about it.
Later Kaitlin was over and she spotted it from the hall. MOM!!!! This is AMAZING!!!! Go figure. So now my precious daughter has a new bag.
I also concluded that there is nothing wrong with reading these books and magazines just for fun. My mom enjoyed reading cookbooks. Same thing, right?
I love a happy ending.